Portraits and headshots for a modern day renaissance man

Comedian, musician, wardrobe stylist, actor, director, author, editor in chief of a magazine. When James Tomlin, also known as Nomaly (nom-uh-lee), puts his mind to something, it gets done and that's that. In December 2020 we met up at High Street at Desert Ridge to get him some versatile portraits and headshots that he could use for an album or book cover, his website, social media, and whatever other business venture he's in the middle of.

James Tomlin (a.k.a. Nomaly) in Phoenix Arizona
Headshot of James Tomlin (a.k.a. Nomaly) in Phoenix Arizona

We really wanted this portrait photoshoot to show off just how multi-faceted James is. He's able to go from serious and down to business to cracking jokes with an English accent in the blink of an eye. He's a natural in front of the camera, and his photos really show that off. You can find out all about him and his many works here

Portrait of James Tomlin in Phoenix Arizona
Portrait of James Tomlin in Phoenix Arizona

I had an absolute blast during this shoot and I believe James and I worked together very well to capture his personality. I would be honored to capture your amazing, fun personality as well, so message me today.